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Weeks 5 and 6: Post-Production Analysis

Hello there everyone! after a week of being away, I can finally say I have an fun update! This week I have done some research into post-production methods, and have decided that youtube and soundcloud together will most likely be the most usable mediums of distribution. Soundcloud allows audio files to be spread and shared to a large number of people, and youtube is one of the most heavily trafficked sites on the web, exposing countless videos and music to a larger public. Facebook is a good method of attracting listeners to both youtube and soundcloud, and artists use it to share news and information with listeners and potential fans.

On the production front, I have gotten little work done since I've been out of town lately, but now that we're going into week 7, I should have some sample audio from my recordings to share in my next update! I will also show you what I learned in my day with the rock band Styx, an experience that taught me so much about not only songwriting, but about the live music and touring industries as well.

Until next time!

-Noah W.

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